
Contact Info Vittorio Emanuele 21 Bettolle
53048, Sinalunga (Italy)

+39 0577 623495
+39 0577 622125

+39 335 6232386


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Toscana Immobiliare - Azienda agricola di 39 ettari, in zona collinare e panoramica, pensata e creata per l’allevamento e addestramento dei cavalli.
Toscana Immobiliare - All'azienda si arriva percorrendo poco meno di 500 m di strada sterrata in buone condizioni. Percorrendo ancora altri 500 m arriviamo al casolare in pietra, autentico e ristrutturato con i tipici materiali toscani del luogo.
Toscana Immobiliare - Il casolare, sviluppato su 2 livelli, copre una superficie di 220 mq, con portici per un totale di 48 mq.
Toscana Immobiliare - Dei 39 ettari di terreno, 23 ha sono di seminativo/pascolo e il resto bosco.
Toscana Immobiliare - La proprietà è una vera un'oasi di pace in un contesto naturalistico di rara bellezza e a soli 30 minuti dalle spiagge più belle della Toscana.
Toscana Immobiliare - A 39-hectare farm in a hilly and panoramic area, designed and created for the breeding and training of horses.
Toscana Immobiliare - The farm can be reached by a little less than 500 m of unpaved road in good condition. Another 500 m leads to the stone farmhouse, which is authentic and has been renovated using typical Tuscan materials.
Toscana Immobiliare - The farmhouse is on 2 floors and covers an area of 220 square metres together with porches for a total of 48 square metres.
Toscana Immobiliare - Adiacente alla scuderia sono situate diverse le aeree recintate per le passeggiate e l’addestramento dei cavalli.
Toscana Immobiliare - Adjacent to the stable there are several fenced areas for walking and training the horses.
Toscana Immobiliare - Throughout the property it is possible to take horseback rides along various paths.
Toscana Immobiliare - Of the 39 hectares of land, 23 ha are arable land/grazing land and the rest is woodland.
Toscana Immobiliare - In tutta la proprietà è possibile percorrere passeggiate a cavallo tramite diversi sentieri.
Toscana Immobiliare - La scuderia di 270 mq totali si compone da sette box coperti e sette scoperti oltre al locale selleria e il locale farmacia
Toscana Immobiliare - The 270-square metre total stable consists of seven covered and seven uncovered stalls in addition to the saddle room and the pharmacy room.
Toscana Immobiliare - El establo, de 270 metros cuadrados, consta de siete boxes cubiertos y siete descubiertos, además de la sala de guarnicionería y la sala de farmacia.
Toscana Immobiliare - The property is a true oasis of peace in a natural setting of rare beauty and only 30 minutes from the most beautiful beaches in Tuscany.
Toscana Immobiliare - En toda la propiedad es posible dar paseos a caballo por varios caminos.
Toscana Immobiliare - Una finca de 39 hectáreas en una zona de colinas y paisajes, diseñada y creada para la cría y el entrenamiento de caballos.
Toscana Immobiliare - Casa del custode
Toscana Immobiliare - L'écurie, d'une superficie totale de 270 mètres carrés, comprend sept stalles couvertes et sept stalles non couvertes, ainsi que la sellerie et la pharmacie.
Toscana Immobiliare - Une ferme de 39 hectares dans une zone vallonnée et pittoresque, conçue et créée pour l'élevage et la formation des chevaux.
Toscana Immobiliare - Angrenzend an den Stall gibt es mehrere eingezäunte Bereiche für das Führen und Trainieren der Pferde.
Toscana Immobiliare - Se llega a la finca recorriendo algo menos de 500 m de camino de tierra en buen estado. Recorriendo 500 m más, llegamos a la casa de campo de piedra, auténtica y renovada con los materiales típicos de la Toscana.
Toscana Immobiliare - Ein 39 Hektar großer Bauernhof in einer hügeligen und landschaftlich reizvollen Gegend, der für die Zucht und Ausbildung von Pferden konzipiert und eingerichtet wurde.
Toscana Immobiliare - Der insgesamt 270 Quadratmeter große Stall besteht aus sieben überdachten und sieben nicht überdachten Boxen sowie einer Sattlerei und einem Apothekerraum.
Toscana Immobiliare - Junto al establo hay varias zonas valladas para el paseo y el entrenamiento de los caballos.
Toscana Immobiliare - Dans la propriété, il est possible de faire des promenades à cheval le long de différents chemins.
Toscana Immobiliare - On accède à la ferme en parcourant un peu moins de 500 m de chemin de terre en bon état. En parcourant 500 mètres de plus, nous arrivons à la ferme en pierre, qui est authentique et a été rénovée en utilisant les matériaux toscans typiques de la région.
Toscana Immobiliare - Der Bauernhof ist über eine knapp 500 m lange Schotterstraße in gutem Zustand zu erreichen. Nach weiteren 500 m erreichen wir das authentische Bauernhaus aus Stein, das mit den typischen toskanischen Materialien der Gegend renoviert wurde.
Toscana Immobiliare - À côté de l'écurie se trouvent plusieurs zones clôturées pour la promenade et l'entraînement des chevaux.
Toscana Immobiliare - Auf dem gesamten Gelände können Ausritte auf verschiedenen Wegen unternommen werden.


A 39-hectare farm in a hilly and panoramic area, designed and created for the breeding and training of horses.

The farm can be reached by a little less than 500 m of unpaved road in good condition. Another 500 m leads to the stone farmhouse, which is authentic and has been renovated using typical Tuscan materials.

The farmhouse is on 2 floors and covers an area of 220 square metres together, with porches for a total of 48 square metres.
On the ground floor, there are a living room, habitable kitchen with another large portico, night hallway, a bedroom, a utility room, a bathroom, a central heating system and a cellar.
An internal staircase leads to the first floor, which consists of a large living room, two large bedrooms and another bathroom.

The 270-square metre total stable consists of seven covered and seven uncovered stalls in addition to the saddle room and the pharmacy room.
Adjacent to the stable there are several fenced areas for walking and training the horses.
Throughout the property it is possible to take horseback rides along various paths.

A barn of 127 square metres and a shed/warehouse of 153 square metres, part of which has been converted into the caretaker's flat.

Of the 39 hectares of land, 23 ha are arable land/grazing land and the rest is woodland.

The property is a true oasis of peace in a natural setting of rare beauty and only 30 minutes from the most beautiful beaches in Tuscany.

Property ID:
980.000,00 €
Country Houses
220 mq
Energy class:
G > 3,50 EP
39 ha

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