
Contact Info Vittorio Emanuele 21 Bettolle
53048, Sinalunga (Italy)

+39 0577 623495
+39 0577 622125

+39 335 6232386

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Toscana Immobiliare - The property consists of four stone faceted buildings of a total of 1600 sqm with spacious relax area, pool, gardens, pine forests, groves and orchards
Toscana Immobiliare - The property consists of four stone faceted buildings of a total of 1600 sqm with spacious relax area, pool, gardens, pine forests, groves and orchards
Toscana Immobiliare - Aerial view of the property in Maremma
Toscana Immobiliare - The property consists of four stone faceted buildings of a total of 1600 sqm with spacious relax area, pool, gardens, pine forests, groves and orchards.
Toscana Immobiliare - tuscan hotels for sale
Toscana Immobiliare - hotel vendita maremma
Toscana Immobiliare - The property is located in the area between Massa Marittima small town and the sea of Maremma, Punta Ala and Castiglione della Pescaia.
Toscana Immobiliare - The property consists of four stone faceted buildings of a total of 1600 sqm with spacious relax area, pool, gardens, pine forests, groves and orchards.
Toscana Immobiliare - Pools: one indoor sized 12X6 with heated water and the surrounding area
Toscana Immobiliare - Pool
Toscana Immobiliare - Garden of the property
Toscana Immobiliare - The property is located in the area between Massa Marittima small town and the sea of Maremma, Punta Ala and Castiglione della Pescaia.
Toscana Immobiliare - The property consists of four stone faceted buildings of a total of 1600 sqm with spacious relax area, pool, gardens, pine forests, groves and orchards.
Toscana Immobiliare - The property is located in the area between Massa Marittima small town and the sea of Maremma, Punta Ala and Castiglione della Pescaia.
Toscana Immobiliare - The property consists of four stone faceted buildings of a total of 1600 sqm with spacious relax area, pool, gardens, pine forests, groves and orchards.
Toscana Immobiliare - The property consists of four stone faceted buildings of a total of 1600 sqm with spacious relax area, pool, gardens, pine forests, groves and orchards.
Toscana Immobiliare - The property consists of four stone faceted buildings of a total of 1600 sqm with spacious relax area, pool, gardens, pine forests, groves and orchards.
Toscana Immobiliare - The property consists of four stone faceted buildings of a total of 1600 sqm with spacious relax area, pool, gardens, pine forests, groves and orchards.
Toscana Immobiliare - Interior of the property
Toscana Immobiliare - Interior of the property
Toscana Immobiliare - Interior of the property
Toscana Immobiliare - Interior of the property
Toscana Immobiliare - Interior of the property
Toscana Immobiliare - Interior of the property


住宿设施被7公顷完全围起来的土地所包围。四座石材建筑,总面积达1600平方米,分布在大型休闲区,游泳池,花园,松木,树林和果园中。建筑。第一个房地产单位面积为650平方米,共有五间公寓,一个室内游泳池(带健身房),带工业厨房的餐厅休息室,卫生间和更衣室。有四间一室公寓和一间三室公寓,配有暖气和空调,均带有私人入口和私人庭院。在地下室,用于游泳池和建筑物设施的洗衣房,酒窖和技术室,采用双LPG或木材加热。第二栋建筑在700平方米的两个楼层上,共有7套公寓,其中:位于一楼的2套带两间浴室的三居室公寓,2套两居室公寓,1套单间公寓和2套客房,位于楼层,可俯瞰迷人的石头门廊前2套带浴室和阳台的公寓。第三栋建筑是一栋120平方米的石制别墅,主人,带有门廊和车库,分为两层,一楼有大客厅,厨房和服务,一楼有卧室。第四个结构是50平方米。仍在石头上,分为两层,设有客厅,厨房区,双人卧室和浴室。结构的建造是在托斯卡纳传统的最大尊重下进行的,采用了高质量和高品质的手工材料。手工制作的兵马俑用于户外地板,内饰石灰华。公寓设有地板采暖和制冷。 Sienese砂浆内部抹灰,优雅实用。浴室配有精致的覆盖物,并配有热家具。这些建筑物的建造都是经过手工艺人员的精心照顾,形成了可以完全安全地与土壤水分隔离的空腔。在该结构中,建立了两个入口池,也可以从结构内部进行控制。 土地。物业周围的土地平坦且可用,那里有200棵橄榄树已满产,2公顷耕地,围栏部分围着马围场。带顶棚的停车位,供客人使用该地区典型的木结构建筑。外面。谨慎而高效的照明,整座酒店井井有条。

属性 ID:
Massa Marittima
1,600 mq
G > 160 Kwh/mq

请求虚拟访问: C909

